Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Language Partner /语伴平台启动

即日起我们启动“语伴” 平台,供大家进行语言学习与文化交流,参与者均为志愿。时间、场地、形式不限,可以有“一对一”,“一对多”和“多对多”的模式(限于相同语种)。欢迎您告知周围的各国朋友。有意加入的朋友请点击活动登记表格

We are starting a Language Partner program where participants find partners to learn a foreign language and to exchange culture for free. Schedules and formats are decided by participants of each group. Groups of all scales, including One to One, One to Multiple, and Multiple to Multiple, are encouraged. You are welcome to spread the word to anyone interested in the program. To participate, please click the Registration Form.