Sunday, August 16, 2015

Club Newsletter 2015-08-16

Feel free to forward it to interested individuals.

目录 / Table of Content:
1 关于学术写作 / About Academic Writing
2 基础口语 / Elementary Speaking Class
3 备用会议室 / Backup Conference Room

1 关于学术写作


3 备用会议室
通常我们的学术写作活动会安排在学校的图书馆,具体房间会在每周活动的前一天通知。如果遇到特殊情况致使图书馆无法时候,我们将会有一个备用的会议室(位于Clark Hall)。如果您能提供更稳定、合适的活动场所(条件:位于 Homewood 校区,有投影仪、写字板,没有门禁设置,能向公众开放),欢迎您与我们联系。


1 About Academic Writing
Our academic writing club aims to prepare participants with solid academic writing skills at word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, and article levels through weekly in-depth discussion. In addition to the nuts and bolts of the academic writing styles and organization, we emphasize the accurate delivery of scientific messages through the appropriate use of the language tools.
Participants at all levels are welcome. It would be particularly helpful if participants already have some writing experiences. For new participants, it is recommended, but not required, that they read the first several chapters of the textbook before joining our discussion.

2 Elementary Speaking Class
Our club is planning an English speaking class for beginners. Currently we are looking for teachers (be able to speak both English and Chinese) and organizers. All positions are voluntary. We welcome any suggestion and comments on this new class.

3 Backup Conference Room
The primary venue of the academic writing club is the BLC. When BLC is not available, we have a backup conference room at the Clark Hall. If you have a better venue to offer (with projectors, writing board, and easy access), please contact us.

Should you have any question, comment, or idea of new programs, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to accommodate your needs.